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About Heartspace 

Heartspace Institute of Massage and Healing Arts is founded by Constance Au In Vancouver, BC. 


Our intention is to provide quality training in Thai Massage, other styles of massage and healing arts for those who desire to acquire a rewarding and fulfilling skill, and others who want to further their education in this field. It can be a wonderful route to earn a living and to help others, but most importantly, it is a path and lifestyle that can accelerate your personal growth. While teaching the technical aspect of massage is important to us, we also want to show you a practice that can bring awareness, harmony and balance to your body, mind and spirit. You would connect with others and yourself through compassion and mindfulness.

About Our Founder


Constance has been interested in spirituality, energy work, yoga, meditation and personal development for about two decades. Her first Thai massage training was at Old Medicine Hospital in Thailand which she took for fun in 2005. After her main massage training in a spa therapy program at Vancouver School of Bodywork and Massage in 2010, she dove deeply and fully into massage and bodywork ever since. She has gained extensive experience through various environments while she continued to study more to improve her work and knowledge. She has studied under various schools and teachers in Canada and Thailand, and decided to complete a 300 hour teacher training under TMC school of Thai Massage. Currently, some of her classes are TMC affiliated curriculum which are of high standard and recognized world wide. Bringing Heartspace Institute to life is an expansion of her offering to the world aside from her private healing practice.


Constance Au, 

Founder of Heartspace Institute of Massage and Healing Arts

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